
Anita’s relief paintings are a blend of digital and traditional painting with fabric collage, free machine embroidery and hand stitched embellishments. Her inspiration is taken from observing the surrounding landscape, flora and fauna. A keen walker, Anita enjoys sketching and photographing various views as she walks. Regularly using these images as inspiration for later mixed media pieces.

Both 2D and 3D works focus on capturing the variety of colours and textures in the natural environment.

Anita initially starts with drawing, this can be in all its forms from pencil sketching to digital painting. Having explored composition, colour and texture she then transfers her ideas to cloth and fabric collage experiments.

Once the collage stage is completed paint is applied with a range of traditional methods. Drawing and detail is then applied with free machine embroidery. Finally texture is introduced with hand stitching and the piece is embellished with beads, sequins, felting, crochet, knitting and more free machine stitching.

Each piece of work has a recycled element, it may be the use of fabric offcuts or recycling discarded clothes or including found objects such as old cassette tape included in her sculptures.