Photography & Digital Drawing

Encouraged from a very early age, by her father with his second hand 1950’s Kodak folding bellows Camera, Anita’s love of photography has developed over the years and she is now a member of the Camera Club.
Photography is an essential element of her work and forms the inspiration for many ideas. The relief pieces often begin with a reference to landscape photographs taken while out walking. Jewellery designs are inspired by close up photographs of texture while flower photographs trigger ideas for her sculptural work.
With the advent of the digital age, phones, iPads and digital SLR cameras enable everyone to have easy access to the means to create a visual record of their lives and the environment around them. Anita’s love of photography has also extended to the love of digital drawing, whether it be sketching outdoors or working from her imagination in the workshop with her trusty iPad.
Her photographs and digital drawings are also available as framed works.


Digital Drawing