
Through her teaching involvements Anita has had the opportunity to work with several different community groups and charities. She selects a charity event or good cause to get involved in each year.

July 2023

In July Anita worked with the Hartshill WI to create a textile flower banner and installation at the Brampton Museum. This coincided with the Museum’s 80 years celebration.




Anita has been involved in many community projects over the years. Take a look at some of her past and ongoing works.

St Luke’s Church

In April Anita created a pulpit textile banner to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations for St Luke’s Church.

Postbox Toppers 

Photographs of the Jubilee postbox toppers in situation.

Alzheimer’s UK

This year Anita has contributed to the Alzheimer’s UK Hampton Court Garden installation with crochet and knitted squares.

Postbox Toppers Close ups

Here are close up examples of some of the Jubilee postbox toppers. Techniques include, crochet, knitting and sock toys.